

So to give this blog a bit of context, this is where I will begin honing my writing for what will hopefully lead to some form of employment as a guy who writes about videogames. I've been an avid reader of gaming publications, both print and web, for a decade, but it was just last week when I came to a sudden realization: I could write that. So I suppose you could look at this blog as a way for me to prove myself wrong...or right! Tune in to find out.

"The Lava Pool" refers to the staple don't-touch-that area in a game. It seems innocent enough but if you consider yourself a "gamer" you know all too well the subconscious effects it has. Being forced to watch your character suffer endlessly in molten torment is comparable to medieval torture. I have to say, EA's "Dead Space" looks like it will take my vicarious suffering to a whole 'nother level. Video is not for the faint of heart.

What about you guys: what gaming moments have made you cringe or weep for your character?

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